REVEALED: The full reason why gangland killer Kenneth Noye was released from prison

REFORMED? Noye can now control his violent temper claims the Parole Board (Met Police)
GANGLAND kingpin Kenneth Noye has learned to control the violent temper that led him to kill Stephen Cameron in the infamous M25 road rage murder, according to the parole board panel that agreed to release him.
Noye, 72, from Kent, who was released after 19 years in prison earlier this month, became a model prisoner, according to a Parole Board summary of why he was freed.
Noye was jailed for life in 2000 after spending two years on the run after stabbing Mr Cameron, 21, to death during a 1996 road rage incident on a slip road of the motorway.
In 1985 Noye stabbed to death Met Police detective John Fordham, who was investigating the Brink's-Mat gold bullion robbery, in his back garden, but was later acquitted by a jury who believed he acted in self defence.

KILLED: DC John Fordham was killed by Noye in the criminal's garden, but he was cleared of murder
Months after the acquittal Noye was jailed for 14 years for handling stolen gold bars from the 1983 robbery, during which £26 million of gold, diamonds and cash were taken.
Who was out on licence for that when Mr Cameron was murdered.
The Parole Board summary did not address any wider aspects of his life of organised crime.
The summary said: "The panel heard how well Mr Noye had demonstrated application of relevant skills and learning while in custody.
"Witnesses described his good conduct and compliance in prison and charted the progress he had made during this sentence.

Murdered: Stephen Cameron (Met Police)
"He had worked positively with officials dealing with his case and had
demonstrated maturity about his situation, as well as greater insight into his past behaviour.
"He had demonstrated an ability to deal appropriately with potentially violent situations in prison and was clearly well motivated to avoid further offending in the community."
The summary pointed to the risks of releasing Noye, including "his readiness to carry and to use weapons on occasions and not being able to resolve arguments reasonably."
It said Noye held "unhelpful attitudes concerning the use of violence and did not always control extreme emotions."

FUGITIVE: Noye in disguise while on the run (left) and his arrest in Spain
It said he was focused on his own needs and did not "sufficiently think about the effects of his actions on other people or the wider consequences of his
However, it added that these risks were mitigated by his successful completion of training programmed inside jail.
It added: "These had addressed decision-making, better ways of
thinking and considering consequences, and a tendency to use violence in certain conditions. He had also completed a training course focused on improved victim awareness and, shortly before being transferred to open conditions, he had participated in a more advanced programme dealing with strategies to avoid use of violence."
But many who dealt with Noye in the 1980s and 1990s believe the parole Board has made an outrageous decision.
Mr Cameron's fiance at the time Danielle Cable, who gave evidence against Noye at his trial remains in the witness protection programme due to concerns over her safety.
One former Met Police detective said: "Noye is a violent psychopath and they do not change their spots.
"If taking a few courses and saying you have seen the error of your ways is all he had to do that it's a huge worry. He has played the system."